Monday, July 29, 2013


I got up bright and easy for a Provincetown, MA run Saturday morning at 7AM. I have always wanted to run down there on the bike trails. I had premapped out a nice 12 mile course to hit up, but still got a bit confused in the sand dunes and had to ask a biker for directions back to the town center to Commercial Street to head back to Truro to the motel. I noticed I forgot my Ipod once I left the hotel, but decided not to go grab it and enjoy the sounds around me. The sounds of the birds, fireflies, the ocean waves, the people saying good morning, and the sound of my feet hitting the pavement. Early morning runners are usually so much nicer than evening runners. I think it is because they know if you are out that early it is because you are most likely training for a run and trying to avoid the heat that is due to come. The people there we just much friendlier though kind of like in Lubec Maine and Campobello Island, Nova Scotia, Canada during the marathon up there is June.

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